Election Blood Moon

By now this is probably not any new news. But when I first heard about the blood moon coming on our election day and Netanyahu making Prime Minister again, I believed with all my heart, knowing that the moon stands for Israel, (and God consistently speaks that “To the Jew first”) that God is revealing in His most fun and creative way that, “Looky here America! What happened to Israel is about to happen to you and I’m showing you so on election day, November 8, 2022!”

The blood moon shows that not only did Israel go “red” but that the United States of America is about to go “red” and the elections are going to be (still) in God’s hands, but He is letting the red crimson tide move in this time. He is on the move to turning things around and bring justice to our land. He has exposed the grunge under workings (and some yet to come) and is ready to put the gavel down in judgment. I had given a prophetic vision I had some time back when I saw God Almighty bring down His sledgehammer and I saw the big black rock smattered into smithering’s!

God bless you as you grow from glory to glory!


It’s true! Saturday October 15. 2022 God told me again (and showed me my actual Flip Chart) that things were going to flip around! The first two times God has given this to me things changed amazingly. But that is expected when things are literally flipped around!! The first time He revealed this to me which was nearly three years ago! Sometime before Covid was news.

That is pretty much all I have to say about that.

God bless you all! We are certainly praying for you!!!


This word is a very wonderful and happy word!! I had this dream Sunday (28th Aug) and I am soooo excited!

There was a room full of people (while others were wandering about) worshipping the Lord with a particular song. Then, a short haired gal (reminded me of Heidi Baker) transitioned into the chorus of the song, “Wildfire”. This song comes from the 70’s and I knew the chorus well. Then she transitioned back into the worship song and then flowed back into the chorus of “Wildfire”. She did this several times. It was beautiful and sounded like both songs were written together!

They called me over and asked me to play the song (I’m a pianist and worship leader in real life) and I happily said, “Fine, as long as you have the music or chords for it in front of me.” I looked up at the wall and saw a long song written out and it was great! I woke up.

Three key words here:

  1. Dream
  2. Wildfire
  3. Piano

After I prayed over this dream I looked up the song “Wildfire” and found it was on YOUTUBE under the heading, “Michael Martin Murphey & the Rio Grande Band – “Wildfire”

I could have found one of the dozens of YouTube sitings, but God led me to this one. What happened?

  1. Michael says he had a dream
  2. He speaks the name of the song, “Wildfire”
  3. The song had a gorgeous and elaborate intro (and outro) on the piano! I had no idea about the piano introduction because on the radio (way back then) they didn’t play that intro! If you watch it, focus on the chorus that repeats the word “wildfire”.

God simply wanted to confirm to me in those three parts that I was hearing for certain that HE is about to send WILDFIRE to HIS people! What is wildfire?

What is wildfire – Search (bing.com)

  1. “A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  2. HISTORICAL .. a combustible liquid such as Greek fire that was readily ignited and difficult to extinguish, used especially in warfare.”

Wildfire can go as fast as it wants. It can go in any direction as the wind (Holy Spirit) blows. The Holy Spirit baptizes us with fire AND with power.

The Holy Spirit with the Word of God is our great weapon in warfare and leads us to victory each and every time!!

I am reminded that this song was given in the midst of worship. God is going to release Himself in fire and power during our worship. Be encouraged and worship the Lord! I love Psalm 149! The last half of the chapter refers to the power of God fighting for us through our high praises!

Now, let’s watch God as we worship! Don’t be weary . . . just love on Him.


This is a sobering word for this morning I had “watchers’ in my dream and an angel. It was announced over TV and radio transmissions that at 8:30 was going to be the next earthquake that was going to do a lot of damage. Now you know dreams, they are symbolic. I know the watchers who know, were announcing to us to protect us. It could just mean that something big is coming down and it’s going to shake a lot of people up!

But we all had to escape with little we could grab to go and we had to go higher and further in. That is just like God to protect us. He wants us to go closer to Him and up higher in Him.

What came out of the dream is that we would be safe and I know what I’ve heard through the prophetic grape-line that though it seems horrible at the present, it will not last for a long time and that God will turn it around. He will turn it all amazingly around! We will rejoice at the end of it all! I believe it and say, “AMEN!!”

Be prepared, be wise. You need to know Him. You need to be sensitive if you are to go somewhere or stay home and follow His leading. You need to know what to have on hand in case you don’t go to the store for a while.

Ultimately, lean on God, draw so close to Him, and trust Him. That is where your peace is. Where your peace is, there is your joy and strength.

In Him,

Jonathan & Stephanie

Earthquakes and Such

Good day and God bless you!

Through the years we’ve written what God has given to us about earthquakes. I cannot find it on this website since we changed over and it’s been seriously on my heart for a long time to make sure you heard what God has shown me.

To keep this short, in a few different dreams I’ve seen the following:

  1. Massive earthquake to happen in Chile ~~ Santiago and north up to Capiapo. I’m not saying it is happening to either place, but could, and for certain somewhere between those points. Somewhere between those areas if not one of those areas.

2. The other massive earthquake will affect Prince William Sound which is the Ocean area that is in that semi-encircled area of Alaska.

3. I saw a massive wave go through the English Channel affecting England and France. Possibly the shores of Belgium as well as I look at a map. But in the dream the first two countries were highlighted.

4thly for many years I’ve seen (even this morning) devastation taking place in the San Juan Islands which is Washington State’s Northwest corner. The epicenter is slightly north and west from there. This will be a serious earthquake because of its tectonic nature that produces a tsunami (at least three waves and the third is far more serious than the first two) that will even go through Puget Sound.

Here are two signs that it is about to happen. First, something of an earthquake or some sort of happening will be in Canada about 2/3 across (approximately) the border from left to right. Just about the United States border.

Another sign is that something will happen south of Seattle and no further south than Washington State border. It could easily be Mt. Rainier. The point is, that happens before the earthquake in our Northwest I just described, and both will take many lives. I have many details of these disasters in my journal and on our last website, I wrote many of them.

I will tell you that I’ve had two different dreams that it was to take place around Christmas time. But none of this can happen until Jonathan and I receive a remarkable breakthrough that we have waited for since 2006. I’ve told everyone I know this and it is well documented. I’ve also heard in various dreams that it is going to be a 7.8 earthquake. That doesn’t seem very big in light of the tsunami waves I’ve seen, but the right kind of earthquake can produce serious tsunami waves. I’ve had friends that have seen disaster in Lake Washington as it seiches around.

One final note on that, many people died because of water contamination. At the same time, many will be turning to the Lord, as God is there for everyone who calls on His name!

Our Ziklag Season

Some weeks ago I wrote a particular person in office of the United States of America that God would do a work of releasing someone from office to make way for the new. I was referring to the end of 1 Samuel and the Ziklag incident and the chapters afterward running into 2 Samuel.

Then earlier this week I wrote the same person, going into detail of the Ziklag experience and what unfolded in the weeks afterward according to the Word of God. The following is much what I wrote, but not all.

As the days and weeks were nearing for David to take his rightful throne (and he was building/progressingas he waited) a most terrible and horrific thing happened to him.  He was already dealing with thoughts of rejection when he arrived back at his camp and home.  His home was in the city of Ziklag and you can read this account in1 Samuel chapters 30 and 31. 

When David got back to his home, everything had been stolen from him. He not only lost his possessions, but he lost his wives.  He was devastated.  In fact, his men even talked of stoning him through their bitter tears.  Every man wept with great fervency for their hearts had been torn to shreds.  But get this . . . after such pain and wandering about looking at the destruction of his home and all he had ardently worked for, David encouraged himself in the Lord!  Then he came up with a plan!

But the summary of this story is that (and please listen carefully with your heart) after king David got back everything and much, much more king Saul was taken out of the picture by the hand of God. 

1) After Saul was taken out, someone who was part of his camp (family or party [in so many words] was

2) put in position to rule (or seemingly so) and continue usurping David’s rightful throne.  This had to happen!  It was the Hand of God to further expose and wind the whole mess up!  This wrongful placement did not last long (truly, a short time) and after God revealed to David the plan it wasn’t long

3) David became enthroned in the fulfillment of the ALMIGHTY’s Words spoken by the prophet and he sat on his rightful throne.

God makes it very clear in His Word that what has happened in the past in His Word recorded are examples of things that we can look back on and relate to what is going on in our lives.

As I wrote the person these things that I have now recorded on this site, I couldn’t help but think of the chapter endings of 1 Samuel. Chapters 30 and 31. I’m looking to see the last two days of this month to see if anything unfolds. I’m not saying anything will, but I’m listening. What is God telling you?

Many blessings to you all!!

In Him,

Jonathan & Stephanie


Our Ziklag Season

Some weeks ago I wrote a particular person in office of the United States of America that God would do a work of releasing someone from office to make way for the new. I was referring to the end of 1 Samuel and the Ziklag incident and the chapters afterward running into 2 Samuel.

Then earlier this week I wrote the same person, going into detail of the Ziklag experience and what unfolded in the weeks afterward according to the Word of God. The following is much what I wrote, but not all.

As the days and weeks were nearing for David to take his rightful throne (and he was building/progressing as he waited) a most terrible and horrific thing happened to him.  He was already dealing with thoughts of rejection when he arrived back at his camp and home.  His home was in the city of Ziklag and you can read this account in 1 Samuel chapters 30 and 31. 

When David got back to his home, everything had been stolen from him.  He not only lost his possessions, but he lost his wives.  He was devastated.  In fact, his men even talked of stoning him through their bitter tears.  Every man wept with great fervency for their hearts had been torn to shreds.  But get this . . . after such pain and wandering about looking at the destruction of his home and all he had ardently worked for, David encouraged himself in the Lord!  Then he came up with a plan!

But the summary of this story is that (and please listen carefully with your heart) after king David got back everything and much, much more king Saul was taken out of the picture by the hand of God. 

1) After Saul was taken out, someone who was part of his camp (family or party [in so many words] was

2) put in position to rule (or seemingly so) and continue usurping David’s rightful throne.  This had to happen!  It was the Hand of God to further expose and wind the whole mess up!  This wrongful placement did not last long (truly, a short time) and after God revealed to David the plan it wasn’t long

3) David became enthroned in the fulfillment of the ALMIGHTY’s Words spoken by the prophet and he sat on his rightful throne.

God makes it very clear in His Word that what has happened in the past in His Word recorded are examples of things that we can look back on and relate to what is going on in our lives.

As I wrote the person these things that I have now recorded on this site, I couldn’t help but think of the chapter endings of 1 Samuel. Chapters 30 and 31. I’m looking to see the last two days of this month to see if anything unfolds. I’m not saying anything will, but I’m listening. What is God telling you?

Many blessings to you all!!

In Him,

Jonathan & Stephanie

Draining the Swamp by the Hand of God

August 23, 2022

I have looked upon various lakes this year of 2022 and marveled over the great and often steep levels of shrinkage they have obtained due to certain droughts.  What I have found and expected to find this year near the bottom of some of these lakes is findings of treasures as well as the sad discoveries of bodies.

Yet, God has encouraged me and told me that these people who have been dead for years have now been discovered and exposed so that many families could have closure.  I marveled at HIS goodness and kindness.  These are lakes that were so many feet deep that it seemed it would have to take a miracle, yes, the very hand of God to drain such volumes of water beyond comprehension.  And now there is not only relief to many loved ones as their family and friend members are being found, but justice is surfacing, for God is making it very clear that HE can expose any evil and surface their wicked ways at any time HE wishes.

I saw this exposure as a parallel to the draining of the swamp that is taking place in our government; and soon a much more drastic exposure is about to take place.  This is God’s hand.  God moves through people and yet, it is Him doing the moving.  HE knows how to use the enemy for HE knows all of his weaknesses.  God is showing the world just what HE wants us all to see.

His timing is always perfect even when we cannot understand.  If we understood it all, there would be no room for faith.  We live by faith, so that is our avenue of trust and peace so that our strength HE designed us with would stay intake and we would and could stay on track and in HIS will.  Besides, we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:7), so we are given ample opportunities to bless God, and that is perfectly all right.

Don’t wail but rejoice in the fact that God is still love and that HE changes not.

HE is always moving us from glory to glory one step at a time.


I am so excited to share this word!

June 30, 2022 (SEE BELOW – JULY 1ST VISION)

It all started June 17th or 18th as I’m spending time with the Lord at our special meeting place in one of our living rooms. I was asking God about the times and His plans in it all going on around us. I thought about America. This is what He showed me.

I looked over and saw (again) a sign I have on my exercise machine that has a booklet in front attached saying, “Flip Chart“. The letters are white on a dark background. God highlighted this again to me as He did January of 2020. I just looked up that article but have to find it in some other archives. I have everything I’ve ever done in my journals, however . . .

My first reaction was, “How could that be God? You‘ve already shown that to me before?” Aren’t we funny bunnies? Such patience God has with us! Me especially! Just like reading the Word of God, the rhema word pops right out at you no matter how many times you’ve read it before or if it was a rhema word to you before. So anyway . . .

I put that message to prayer and thought on it for the weekend. The following Monday (20th) came and I saw it again. I got serious with God on it and this is what He started to unfold to me that day and through the week. I have to tell you, I had not been totally current on the news (expecting nothing to happen until the last half of July, but that’s a different subject), so it made this all more exciting and credible.

At first, I noticed something had changed on the sign. All of a sudden there was a wide left column colored white. I wear glasses for seeing far away, so I could not see exactly why the white strip was showing up. God told me that was Him showing up on the scene. He told me the tide had changed and now was coming in with His firm strong hand. There’s more! . . .

He showed me the whole journey and the end of it to come. I want you to imagine right now seeing the tide in. All of the way at the top of the shore the water is lapping its waves. It’s at that point the promise of God comes to you. You’re excited because what you longed to hear came from God and it feels like it could happen any day or any week. You go merrily on your way knowing you have heard from God and all is well.

The tide starts pulling away. Can you see it pulling out a little, and it is no longer all the way in and a little path is forming where you can walk between you and the sea? But what happened to your promise? A wave of encouragement comes in and now you feel all better again. This is the time faith kicks in. Faith keeps you at an even keel. If you are living from word to word, you’ll be a mess and the enemy can come in and lock in some doubt and prevent you from receiving the promise to its fulfillment. Stay in faith.

This happens again. A wave of encouragement comes in then the bad and tough stuff happens. Think on this: there are probably more things you are believing for rather than just one area of your life. When the wave crests and breaks forth on the shore, it leaves a trail of flat waves that are curved and some hit over to the left, others straight on, and some on the other side. Those little inlets as the water plays games to see what little portion goes the furthest is like the different areas of our lives that get spoken to and ministered to. Often, that is the Word of God if you are in it regularly. The Word washes you . . .

Time goes on and the tide goes out and out and out. Still, waves of encouragement come in while everything around you is crashing. The promise is looking less likely and so far away at this point. Bad things happen. The refreshing of the water has given way to disasters, trials, tribulations, and horridness. You don’t get as excited over the waves of encouragement as you should, but when you hang out with other believers that know that they know what God has said is going to be, you get stronger. “Forsake not the fellowship of the brothers“.

After a lot of time has gone by, the bad has overtaken any good that you could possibly see (aha, now the place of real faith, the kind that pleases God) and all that is before you is bareness. The promise given to you way back when is as about as far away as it can get. The tide has gone way out.

Just as I saw the Flip Chart words two and half years ago and all of the lives throughout the world literally got flipped, so now I’m especially excited because (and I don’t know how) things are going to flip once again, but this time, God is bringing lots of goodies and amazing things that will astound us along the way. The waves coming in with the tide are major good happenings revealing HIS turn-around.

The ebb of the tide has changed. The tide is coming in. This is God’s eraser, God’s hand, and God’s time for blessings that will blow all minds away!

That is what the white margin on the left was. God showed me it was a great wave of His hand with purity and blessings in it. It is but the beginning.

Will terrible stuff still happen? Yes. We will see the receding of the wave, but not without lives being touched in so many waves. Then another wave will surge and bring about more major blessings, especially in America and in many personal lives. Even though there is an ebb and flow of each wave surging up and back, then up and back continually, each surge brings us closer to the fulfillment of the promises given because it brings the sea back up to the shore. I can see it clearly as though I was watching a video.

Do not be discouraged when each wave comes in and brings great joy then bad happens. The enemy doesn’t give up quietly. That is designed to take your joy away. No more. Keep your joy. How do you keep your joy? With faith! And the more you love God, the more you will want to please and bless Him by still believing, believing, and believing still.


VISION July 1st

Shortly after 1:30 p.m. today I was looking up at God (imagining Him on His Throne) and I wished Him a happy July 1st. Immediately I had the following vision:

I saw (not imagining) in His right hand a hammer (like a gavel shape) but it was a mighty sledge hammer come down with great force smashing a rock in pieces. I saw God in a very large form (not the size of human) do this. As He smashed the dark rock, hundreds of pieces flew in every direction and scattered everywhere quickly.

I looked up a picture of a sledgehammer and its main purpose, and here is what I read: “The sledgehammer is a heavy-duty hammer used for demolition jobs where high force is required” (God is the only HIGH FORCE). “It has a large, flat metal head attached to a long wooden handle. The length of the handle” (God’s arm is not shortened that it cannot save) “allows the tool to gain momentum while swinging, and the heavy metal head results in amplified force compared to a usual hammer.

Updating here because I found the notes I wrote two people shortly after this happened. Here is the scripture I read right after I had the vision, which totally blew me away! This was just my daily reading as I read through the Bible, so I wasn’t hunting for this. It really was what my eyes fell on when I decided to read where I had left off. Such a confirmation! It’s found in Mark 13:1 & 2, “Then as He went out of the temple one of His disciples said to Him, “Teacher see what manner of stones and what buildings are here . . . and Jesus answered and said to him, do you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.” Wowee!!

Scriptures that came to my mind are Jeremiah 23:29 (His Word like a hammer) and Isaiah 59:1 (His arm is not shortened that it cannot save).

The next morning before noon, I heard Tim Sheets’ dream that I listened to (not knowing what he was going to say at all). SUCH a confirmation! It’s entitled “Tim Sheets: a Prophetic Word. He spoke of the (four) angels with battering rams that were (looking like) tree trunks. They were going to break down satan’s protective barriers of baal’s roots here. Hallelujah!!!

Other thoughts that have come to me is that I received the vision shortly after 1:30 which shows me that soon after the half of this month we will see manifestations of His Mighty Hand bringing forth justice according to Him Who is Just. That doesn’t mean we won’t see anything before then but beware of the last two weeks of July. The dark rock (which is not big compared to Him) is the rock of evil that has planted itself in America. No more . . . We will all see the shattering.

God bless His Holy Name . . .

July 22, 2022 update. Yesterday I saw another (good) wave coming in and just about in. Very close.


That’s all I know. After what I went through yesterday, through the night and all of this morning, I keep hearing, “Unexpected”. Expect the unexpected. It has come in droves in such a short period of time and everything turned around in every area that I had to just stand before the Lord during the sunrise this morning and really listen. That’s what I heard, “unexpected.”

Since I heard that, I’ve had several unexpecteds and it isn’t even 8:00 in the morning yet! It’s like I’m having to retrain my thoughts and allow God to move inside my head as well as every other aspect. Don’t get me wrong, I’m up for change daily with Him so I can be more like Him, but right now, I believe we’re in a season of the unexpected. I’ve seen it in the good and the bad. One thing I know; God is faithful and good.

Stay in faith because you love Him so.

More later . . .