Earthquakes and Such

Good day and God bless you!

Through the years we’ve written what God has given to us about earthquakes. I cannot find it on this website since we changed over and it’s been seriously on my heart for a long time to make sure you heard what God has shown me.

To keep this short, in a few different dreams I’ve seen the following:

  1. Massive earthquake to happen in Chile ~~ Santiago and north up to Capiapo. I’m not saying it is happening to either place, but could, and for certain somewhere between those points. Somewhere between those areas if not one of those areas.

2. The other massive earthquake will affect Prince William Sound which is the Ocean area that is in that semi-encircled area of Alaska.

3. I saw a massive wave go through the English Channel affecting England and France. Possibly the shores of Belgium as well as I look at a map. But in the dream the first two countries were highlighted.

4thly for many years I’ve seen (even this morning) devastation taking place in the San Juan Islands which is Washington State’s Northwest corner. The epicenter is slightly north and west from there. This will be a serious earthquake because of its tectonic nature that produces a tsunami (at least three waves and the third is far more serious than the first two) that will even go through Puget Sound.

Here are two signs that it is about to happen. First, something of an earthquake or some sort of happening will be in Canada about 2/3 across (approximately) the border from left to right. Just about the United States border.

Another sign is that something will happen south of Seattle and no further south than Washington State border. It could easily be Mt. Rainier. The point is, that happens before the earthquake in our Northwest I just described, and both will take many lives. I have many details of these disasters in my journal and on our last website, I wrote many of them.

I will tell you that I’ve had two different dreams that it was to take place around Christmas time. But none of this can happen until Jonathan and I receive a remarkable breakthrough that we have waited for since 2006. I’ve told everyone I know this and it is well documented. I’ve also heard in various dreams that it is going to be a 7.8 earthquake. That doesn’t seem very big in light of the tsunami waves I’ve seen, but the right kind of earthquake can produce serious tsunami waves. I’ve had friends that have seen disaster in Lake Washington as it seiches around.

One final note on that, many people died because of water contamination. At the same time, many will be turning to the Lord, as God is there for everyone who calls on His name!

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