This word is a very wonderful and happy word!! I had this dream Sunday (28th Aug) and I am soooo excited!

There was a room full of people (while others were wandering about) worshipping the Lord with a particular song. Then, a short haired gal (reminded me of Heidi Baker) transitioned into the chorus of the song, “Wildfire”. This song comes from the 70’s and I knew the chorus well. Then she transitioned back into the worship song and then flowed back into the chorus of “Wildfire”. She did this several times. It was beautiful and sounded like both songs were written together!

They called me over and asked me to play the song (I’m a pianist and worship leader in real life) and I happily said, “Fine, as long as you have the music or chords for it in front of me.” I looked up at the wall and saw a long song written out and it was great! I woke up.

Three key words here:

  1. Dream
  2. Wildfire
  3. Piano

After I prayed over this dream I looked up the song “Wildfire” and found it was on YOUTUBE under the heading, “Michael Martin Murphey & the Rio Grande Band – “Wildfire”

I could have found one of the dozens of YouTube sitings, but God led me to this one. What happened?

  1. Michael says he had a dream
  2. He speaks the name of the song, “Wildfire”
  3. The song had a gorgeous and elaborate intro (and outro) on the piano! I had no idea about the piano introduction because on the radio (way back then) they didn’t play that intro! If you watch it, focus on the chorus that repeats the word “wildfire”.

God simply wanted to confirm to me in those three parts that I was hearing for certain that HE is about to send WILDFIRE to HIS people! What is wildfire?

What is wildfire – Search (bing.com)

  1. “A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  2. HISTORICAL .. a combustible liquid such as Greek fire that was readily ignited and difficult to extinguish, used especially in warfare.”

Wildfire can go as fast as it wants. It can go in any direction as the wind (Holy Spirit) blows. The Holy Spirit baptizes us with fire AND with power.

The Holy Spirit with the Word of God is our great weapon in warfare and leads us to victory each and every time!!

I am reminded that this song was given in the midst of worship. God is going to release Himself in fire and power during our worship. Be encouraged and worship the Lord! I love Psalm 149! The last half of the chapter refers to the power of God fighting for us through our high praises!

Now, let’s watch God as we worship! Don’t be weary . . . just love on Him.

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