2 Months

September 1, 2020 dreamed how a believer was attacked by the enemy and simply gave up to be utterly destroyed. The believers were cheering and yelling at this believer from the top of the hill with great encouragements of the way to get out of danger so that this believer would live! The believer just gave into the enemy, and seeing this person would not try to overcome his situation, came back and devoured him. Please, do not ever give up! Let God have the last word, not your feelings or the understanding of your circumstances, ever!!! Amen! : )

October 14, 2020 I saw a huge visit from God and His power with a great sense of His presence was about to come upon His people waiting on Him.

October 27, 2020 I saw the number 2 in a thick font. Thick numbers or words in my dreams always mean this is extremely important and to take notice.

I knew in the dream that it was going to be a rough couple of months ahead. That would take us to the end of this year. I was also told to watch January and February. So, I’m watching! Can hardly wait. That is all I got for those months. I checked my journal from October and had forgotten to put it here and there was nothing else said about those months, but I saw them in print and to watch them.

October 30th dreamed how Costco heads thought of the Republicans as goats and were eager to get rid of that party in our government for they had plans to fulfill once the goats were rid of. Hmmmnnn… Interesting . . .

November 2, I saw a very thick dark covering over the earth, or at least the United States of America. These clouds threatened a large storm to cover all. Then I looked up and saw what may have been a portal, for I could see what was happening above the thick turmoil.

I told the others what I saw, the blue sky and pillars of clouds (they were all vertical) and of different shades of white and darker. I knew these clouds had missions that were conditional. They would turn into tornadoes, mighty feats of God once the darkness blew away and was done away with. Then I saw looters going through stores, even families with their young children! Yet, one store owner stood inside at the front of her store with her lights shining within. She had a loving calm smile on her face and held out samples and yummies for anyone who wanted what she usually sold in her bakery type of store.

Still, people came to steal of her goods while she was giving them away. She remained poised and full of the light and love of God Almighty.

Interpretation ~~~

Yes, the thick shroud of angry darkness was about to manifest over the United States. This is a distraction to add to the fear and uncertainty to try to get people’s eyes off of God and His faithfulness. Fear is always a distraction but it is peace that keeps us on the path to victory and the enabling of hearing His voice while we so badly need to hear.

Above the thick shrouded blanket of tumult was God’s plan already cocked and ready to go! We will see the hand of God move and see His hand manifest on many levels. It may seem harsh at times, but it is just and good. Keep your eyes on God and His bigger picture. That perspective will give you His eyes of understanding, and with that, His joy! Amen! He is all victorious and is sovereign!!! Amen!

We need to remember that God says that we are the head not the tail, we are above, not beneath. The enemy has His plan, but God has His plan! God says in Isaiah that God plans, and who can frustrate it? You will see God move in with His plan.

Yes, we will see looting, but God sets a standard of His Spirit even in that. Keep praying for protection and His Almighty intervention! But the woman stood for the goodness of God. Her store was lit with great light! She was not disturbed by what was happening around her or to her. This is God’s standard for the believer. We must believe and therefore show our fruit of faith!

I am utterly amazed at the documented proof of ballot fraud that is there for everyone to see, plus the states President Trump has won, but the media acts like (again) the truth is just someone’s imagination. Certainly the lies and cloaks of darkness will be dealt with. Their day is coming. And soon . . .

November 3, 2020 Election day. I had two dreams back-to-back. This is the odd thing. In these two dreams, it showed that the democrats were defeated and they were hustling to see how they could combat that. Each attempt they were doubly defeated. Truth won out in the end! Amen! Regardless who you are or what your beliefs are, truth should always be your aim, regardless of what you feel. Without truth, what have we?

I need to also share two things. We have already seen the panic of the democrats thinking they had lost (which in reality, they have) and kicked into the plan to keep them looking like they won the presidential (etc.) race through the fraudulent ballots and causing 100’s of thousands to be lost. There is one more defeat to them of which they will not be able to bounce back. I saw a cat follow the “dems” to their room to regroup for another onslaught (this was the second dream of the back-to-back dreams). The cat stayed on top of the door which strangely stayed open! The cat was smiling with the profound knowledge that because of the decrees she had been proclaiming over the elections that the democrats had lost entirely. The cat was a golden yellow cat, smiling upon the demise of the enemy.

I wrote an email to Kat Kerr (via Steve Shultz, Elijahlist.com) the very next morning on the 4th telling her I thought it was her. It was.