About 3:00 p.m. Sept. 9, ’21; Thursday (PDST) I had a vision that went like this: “

I was interceding and saw a big fist while I was using my own fist to hit some surface proclaiming righteousness to be brought back into the land (of America); and in the vision I saw a man’s fist that was very bronzed and tan and a bit larger than a normal man’s fist.

It was beating down every time I beat down my fist while claiming back President Donald Trump’s rightful place as well as the things to be turned around in our government . . .

In authority and fervor I was calling out everything of righteousness and what we were to gain back in the land. My fist would go out and drag back in what I was proclaiming and decreeing . . . I was calling back that which is right to come forth in Jesus Christ’s name . . .

Then all of a sudden my fist landed on a drum straight out in front of me and I heard God speak, “Drum roll …. This is the day of the drum roll”. 

  • The drumroll is the last thing you here before the charge is given.
  • The drum roll is the last thing you hear before the army advances.
  • The drumroll is the last thing you hear before the proclamation is sounded that clears the air. 


“Modern armies continue to march to the beat of the drum, though now the purpose of this rhythmic energy is to not only stimulate the body, but also to forge a sense of group unity.Drum Sounds and Their Meanings | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (si.edu)


” (drŭm′rōl′)n.1. A rapid succession of short sounds produced by beating a  drum.2. Emphatic support for a cause: “The drumroll for sustainable agriculture … has been growing steadily louder”(Alison Arnett).Drumroll – definition of drumroll by The Free Dictionary

I specifically looked through my few classical stations I listen to through a site I have because God uses songs prophetically through me and has done so for decades. I am used to “listening” for what He is saying through music. As I did so, I heard the song “Bolero” which is a specific song that uses the beat of a drumroll throughout it’s song and the song grows steadily louder and stronger. I kept the song on while writing this prophetic vision not knowing when I heard it (as I started writing this article) that I would find the same definition in the word bolero as in the word drumroll!

Another note to add to that is that the song was within a few stanzas of completing. Why is this so significant? Because the entire song repeats the stanza’s many, many times as it crescendo’s into a fervency of joy and excitement only to end with a beautiful stanza of it’s own. Bottom line is that I believe God was revealing to me that we have a short time before what is to break through will break through. Not months and months. That is behind us. It is a matter of weeks now. Perhaps, days?

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