January 1, 2021

January 1, 2021

Reading my journal yesterday, I found an entry that I believe is very interesting. I had been quieting myself before the Lord when the words, “Severe Earthquake” dropped into my thoughts, seemingly out of nowhere! I know there is one coming to the Northwest of the United States, but this didn’t seem like it related to that. Stay in prayer and remember to pray for mercies and miracles when God releases His judgment during times like this.

See below for January 9th Thoughts for the Times latest article . . .

I was trying to find one of my prophetic dreams below, but see I have not entered it. Partly is because most of it was personal, but there was a part I wanted to comment on at this time.

I had this dream near the end of April or in May of 2020. I will find it from my journal for the correct date. First of all, our son (youngest of our children) was moving out of his other mother’s house to be out on his own. Shortly after that, my husband and I were taking a long walk and passed a stream that had turned into a rushing river. In the middle of this river was a church that was being covered by the depth of the cavalcading waves. The church had gone underground, but a stream came through it and covered all but the very top few feet. The church had at least three points to it and was white with beautiful, sky blue trim. The center of the church was the broad part. The church had been there before the stream ~~~ now river. There was more to the dream and our walk we had ventured on, but this is the part that has been on my heart lately.

The stream had not existed before the church had been built there. But God in His faithfulness shows us the upper rooms where the saints live in faithfulness unto the Lord. The enemy wanted to bury us, but God is (rather) refreshing us!

2020 was not a bad year for 100’s of thousands. Many grew, stayed in His will, and pressed through in His goodness. This is available for every believer. Keeping in His will is always bottom line, and if you have, then you can relate to what I’m sharing.

It’s important that we who saw the goodness of the Lord and recognized His strength in our lives during this time must be especially sensitive and humble toward those who have had difficult times. The Word teaches us that we are to comfort others as Holy Spirit has comforted us. Just because the year was so good, it was because of His favor and His strength we took on and cleaved to in order to forge through the fire with faith and gladness. It’s a lonely walk sometimes, but it is the place of peace and contentment.

There is a remnant about to come forth out of the fire and they will reap the glory of the Lord to pass onto all they come in contact with. Nothing is just for ourselves. Everything is for the glory of God and to be shared; in meekness, love, faith, and humility with a pure heart. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and we must hold fast to God’s heart for His kingdom’s sake.

We pray for God’s grace on all who are struggling and if they need to repent of something, repent and receive God’s goodness. If it has been difficult for the trials that we are called to, pick up faith and the love of the Father and watch Him deliver you. He alone does wondrous things. Keep your eyes on Him and believe His love for you. We love you too!

“Big Name TV Evangelist to Pass” . . . please see below at bottom of page to open this latest prophetic word given. December 14, 2020.

THOUGHTS FOR THE TIMES (Prophecies are below)

We actually have a separate page for the Thoughts For The Times! I just figured out how to do that! Hope you can find it! Posted something December 9, 2020.

January 9, 2021 Thoughts For the Times

Somewhere we have posted about the new Ayatollah coming into power in a prophetic dream I had several months ago. The reason why I’m bringing up this subject here is because I read an article several days ago (not too many) that the present Ayatollah has pronounced our esteemed President of the United States dead, and that is was supposed to happen this week. I’m writing this article early on a Saturday morning, and Praise the Lord, our wonderful President Trump is still alive!!! But this is the thought for the times we are in right now . . .

I got to thinking of the plagues that happened with Moses and the Egyptians all those years ago; and the last judgment to hit was pronounced out of the very mouth of Pharaoh. Pharaoh pronounced that the first born of the Israelites were to be slain but instead, the first born of all of the Egyptians were slain by the hand of God.

In like manner, I would not be surprized (especially since my dream of a new Ayatollah to come forth) that the present Ayatollah just pronounced his own death. I say this also because, it was the last plague before the Israelites were released to go to their promised land. First, they needed to cross the Red Sea. God had one more judgment to bring on Egypt, and that was to wipe out Pharaoh’s army, then they were secured on the other side. Remember, they were crossing over (perhaps finishing crossing over) when the Egyptian soldiers pursued them. They were certainly safely over all the way when God closed up the waters upon the soldiers who did the Pharaoh’s bidding to finish off the Israelites.

These are things I’m pondering and are stirring thoughts for these times. God bless you as He leads you into all peace and righteousness, for His name’s sake! Amen! : )

Remember how I wrote earlier to watch the months of January and February? We are watching!

I just found that the dream of the new Ayatollah has disappeared, so I will dig into my journal and find the date and post it on our website very soon. It’s a doozy! : )

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