Year 2020

God has spoken many things this year 2020 already to us. Let’s start with January 9, 2020 and bring us up to June.

1/9/2020 Dream > I was outside in the evening and observed a stormy cloudy sky. I watched the clouds and saw a tornado start to form. I ran to the house and went to my north window to watch it more closely. As I did, I started taking authority over this storm. I was in heavy warfare for some moments and commanded the tornado to stop in its tracks. Sure enough, it stopped just feet away from my house and stayed upon a stump.

I wanted the tornado to go completely away but suddenly I felt I was to turn around and there was an angel sitting at my table in a repose position. He was quite relaxed and told me the following. He said this had to happen. His exact words were, “I’m sorry, but I need to do a little more work. You stay right here and I will finish up.”

I knew I’d be safe at that point. I had a great peace, and great calm took over me. He instructed me to turn around (putting my back to him again) until he was finished. I did as instructed but within a few minutes I spun around again. I knew the tornado had passed over my house and I ran outside to see what I could see.

To my surprize, all of the houses were still there, but their backyards were utterly swept clean. There were no shrubs, dogs, pails, tables or chairs anywhere. The backyards consisted of vast and large cement patio areas. I didn’t have strong enough words to describe the clean clear sight I was observing.

There was more to the dream, but I did run to my Mom and Dad’s house crying out, “We’re alive! We’re alive! We made it through!” I noticed that none of us had pants on, but our tops came down to our hips. It caused me to pause for just a moment, but it didn’t seem to matter to any of us. We hugged each other jumping up and down for the great victory we had received through the storm. We have been passed over.


I knew the enemy was at work, but God allowed it ~~~ for His purposes are so much greater than our understanding, and He is after all, Sovereign. We need to understand that we are actually in the last days (not quite end of the last days, but very close) and things have to get ugly. If we continue to harden out hearts and not turn to the Lord, disasters will soften our hearts and God will do great things. This has been apparent the past few months.

I know now it was the coronavirus outbreak. My husband and I have been greatly unaffected and he has been making good money and our lives have not changed at all other than that. The lack of clothing is important to understand here because people are observing every Christian’s walk which is so exposed these days. God isn’t interested in our opinions, but He does want us to discern and pray and encourage one another. Remember, He hates complaining, murmuring, and talking against others.

2/10/2020 Dream> I was helping a gal to go on her way and as we were driving tornados started popping up everywhere. I had never seen anything like it! Nearly every neighborhood and every street had a tornado. They did not happen all at once, but came quickly and so suddenly! They continued to multiply and we found one route we could take and had to watch from road to road which direction to go.


This dream (although I did not know it at the time like the first dream about the coronavirus) I see how we need to carefully hear God for direction in each move we take. He has a way of escape. Not all will understand and receive the direction, but it’s there for us always.

3/2/2020 Dream> This dream has to do with earthquake that is going to take place here in the Northwest of the United States. God has been giving me details and sequences on this even since June 2005. This is yet another confirmation of His plans. I will try to repost (I used to have all the dreams posted in my older website for years) some of those dreams if necessary.

This dream had to do with a specific area which happens to be Seattle International Airport. At the beginning of the dream, eateries had plenty of food and were well stocked with abundance. The gentleman I spoke with in the dream also had heard from God about the coming earthquake and he said it was going to be very bad, which I already knew.

He, his wife, and child and I decided to discuss this in a more private surrounding and I took them to the restaurant that had an abundance of food. Now the food was scarce and the availability was quite small. I was so disappointed!


Before the earthquake there will be plenty, but food will be scarce after the earthquake. Some places more than others. Seattle International represents people going in and out of the city and many ethnic groups of people. There was more to the dream, but I saw sinking of earth but some of it would be redeemable.

I need to say here that I’ve had several dreams showing Christmas time and the epic center north and or east of the San Juan Islands. When I look at a map, I can pinpoint it, for I’ve seen the area in different dreams. In several of these dreams, and one time visitation from Jesus Himself is that there will be a disaster coming shortly before the earthquake also happening in Washington state. Both of these disasters will claim many lives. One last point (for I have told everyone this concerning this earthquake) that there is a particular miracle that has to occur to Jonathan & I before this happens. We have waited a long time for this breakthrough, but we will share when it happens to all.

4/14/2020 Dream> A couple and myself were sitting at a dining table (their house or restaurant I’m not sure which) and the ocean came all the way to the building. It was a great view and no alarm. Suddenly, a huge wave rolled in and crashed 2/3 up the window and I thought it would surely destroy it. Immediately another wave that was at least that size came crashing onto the window, but again, the window did not break and the couple just kept looking down at their food and calmly ate their food. There was no excitement or alarm at all. Just me! But I didn’t show it.

I looked as far into the distance as I could across the ocean to see if another wave was coming. I could not see one forming. But I knew, that I knew, that I knew, that a greater one was coming and that no one could remain at this place without putting their lives in danger. I knew that we would have to finish our eating and leave to a safe place not to return to that place again for the plan of destruction had been revealed.

Then some of us were on a boat in the Puget Sound and as we passed some very small islands (maybe 80 feet long and 10 feet high) I said, “One day they would no longer be visible.”


The two waves represented destruction one right after another. The ocean is the masses of people. I believe this is the Covid19 issue. The wave to come in the future is not the same plague and could represent earthquakes, or some other plague of great destruction. We must not be apathetic and think we do not have to be prepared and apply wisdom daily.

4/21/2020 Dream> This was another three prophetic dream night I had. I’ve had several of these this year and even a six event prophetic dream night. I’m just sharing the ones that have to do with large numbers of people on our site. I dreamed that the whole world (especially the Muslims in each nation and city throughout) was watching who the next Ayatollah was going to be. I was given vantage viewing points all over the world and watched groups of Muslims eagerly awaiting the news.

Again, storm clouds were in the sky, but I saw this in a large sky scenario. All at once an announcement came who it was and there was extreme shouting, clapping of hands, and jumping up and down out of excitement and approval. They threw their hands up in the air for it was what they all wanted.

The next scene I was observing a military emergency medical kit for our armed forces. I tried to get the attention of the person who designed and assembled it and I yelled out to be heard, “Did you put something in the kit that would help psychologically?” I got no answer and yelled out the question as best as I could again. President Trump was beside me and after the second time getting no response, I turned to him and said, that I had been a counselor for years so I thought like this. He nodded in understanding.

The kit moved (like it was on a track) and President Trump drove me over to where the kit stopped thinking it was closer to where I could stand and they would hear me. There were military leaders and security people there. I yelled out the question and Trump was no longer there. I still got no answer and was ignored by those who were standing around. They got in their security vehicles and drove off.


I awoke with the song, “California Dreamin” playing over and over again in my mind. The part of the lyrics that were playing were, “California Dreamin’ on such a winter’s day. Got down on my knees and I began to pray. Preacher likes it cold”

I wasn’t sure if that song was connected to the dream, but if it is, this will happen in the winter time. A new Ayatollah will be announced in the winter time and there will be great concern and readiness in our military services. This will bring great tribulation (not saying, “The Great Tribulation”) to the world.

The emergency medical kits show that we will need to properly care for those who get injured if we go to war. God will be revealing more on this in the future.

5/21/2020 Vision> I saw the right half (or side) of a rainbow pouring into a jagged rocky cliff that had a ledge part of the way up and the upper part was smaller. So, were the pot of gold would be (figuratively speaking) at the end of the rainbow is where the rough wall of rock was.


The rainbow (it may mean something else to you, but I have to go by what God shows me specifically for each dream or vision I receive) resembles the covenant of God and the promises to be fulfilled the last six months of this year. At the end of the year will be some very rough times approaching or taking place. We need to keep covenant with God to receive and believe in His faithfulness too! 

Now, some older visions or dreams I had (just to name a few) that greatly concerns me and I know many are already praying concerning these for God’s hands to be merciful and miraculous for us all.

Some years ago I dreamed that Alaska would suffer a great earthquake and it would greatly affect the Prince William Sound. It would be quite bad. Some shaking would happen near the west coast and in the southern part of Washington state right before Alaska’s earthquake. That’s odd to me for I’ve never heard of earthquakes happen in that area of Washington before.

I also dreamed that in the upper half of Chile, they too would receive a very large earthquake that would be severe. Both of the earthquakes mentioned here would be at least a 7.5 on the Richter scale. I believe bigger most certainly.

I had seen Katrina hit New Orleans the year before it happened. I remember shortly after I had that dream (it was more like a vision for I was taken up over the United States high in the air) New Orleans had suffered something, but I had written that was not the destruction I saw. Then a few years later I dreamed that New Orleans was not going to be a place to live in or that something bad yet was going to happen to it. I wrote this out in older website and wrote to a prophetic ministry about this. It still exists in my journal where all of these prophetic words are documented.

Since the 1990’s God has shown me disasters etc. to come and often I get sequences (as mentioned above) so I know when to expect some of these. I appreciate God wanting to give warnings as well as affirming His Word to us all. He changes not. Back then there wasn’t such a long wait for the manifestation of the dream or vision given, but as I grew in the Lord and trusted Him more, many have taken years to come about. The gap is starting to close on that.

Blessings to you all and keep in peace. Staying in God’s will and trusting His Word will keep you in peace. Many makes his plans, but the outcome is in God’s hands. We need to be ready to go with God’s flow at all times. God has shown us that my husband and I will be moving east from our current location. I haven’t wanted to do that, but I love God more than I love anything. That is the umph of joy to obey Him at all times. : )

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